Castle Roca | Specifications
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Guide Lines to Specifications
Castle Roca Stone

To supply and install average 30mm thick Castle Roca Stone to required pattern and color with recessed joint including all fair faced labour cutting etc , and cement sand grout at back (Excluding cement sand plaster to receive Castle Roca Stone)

Textured Concrete

To supply and lay Castle –Roca Textured Concrete with 100mm thick Grade 20 Concrete slab reinforced with one (1)layer of BRC #66, to be screeded to proper level and incorporated color hardener ,embossed to the required pattern and coat with one (1) layer of Castle Roca Sealing compound.

Pebble Wash

To supply and lay 12mm thick Castle Roca Pebble Wash finishing only (Excluding cement sand screed to receive Pebble Wash ) over existing slab and coat with one (1) layer of Castle Roca Sealing compound